Scaling with Docker Compose and Configuring Load Balancer

Recently I was creating a load balancer for my web api with nginx. Since I was using docker to test in my local machine, I used the scale arguement to scale my Web API container. nt.authservice.service:ports:-"8101-8105:80" Scaling using docker-compose -f server\nt.microservice\docker-compose.yml -f server\nt.microservice\docker-compose.override.yml up --scale nt.authservice.service=5 -d This however resulted in following error. Error response … Continue reading Scaling with Docker Compose and Configuring Load Balancer

Initialize RabbitMq Docker Container with preconfigured Queues

As we work with docker containers, it is often desired to initialize the containers with specific application needs. One of such requirements was to initialize RabbitMq container with predefined queue. To be more specific, the objective needs to be achieved using docker compose. In this approach, we would use docker volume to map the configurations, which in turn … Continue reading Initialize RabbitMq Docker Container with preconfigured Queues

#DockerDays Day 6 – Docker Compose

Until now, we have learned how to create images using dockerfile and used network to create channels for communicating between two containers. But it can be cumbersome to manage each container separately, particularly in multi-container applications which have dozens of containers. Building, running, and connecting multiple containers using individual dockerfile would be pretty hard and consume a lot of time and … Continue reading #DockerDays Day 6 – Docker Compose

Debugging Wix Installer

How do you debug an installer created using Wix ? This short article shows an easy way to debug your Wix Installer Custom Actions. In fact, it turns out to be pretty easy. All you need to do is to add a call to System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch() your custom action. For example, [CustomAction] public static ActionResult DemoMethod() { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch(); … Continue reading Debugging Wix Installer

#DockerDays Day 5 – Building Images with dockerfile

So far we have been downloading images from Docker Hub and running the containers. But how are these images created in the first place? How can we create our own images? In this part of the series of Docker Days, we will delve into building images and how to use the Docker file. Agenda Introduction to dockerfile ?FormatBuild ImageA … Continue reading #DockerDays Day 5 – Building Images with dockerfile

#DockerDays Day 4- Data Persistence

So far we have been mostly interested in running the container, without thinking too much about data. We have also briefly described how the containers add a read-write layer on top of the image's read-only layers while running a container. But what does that actually mean? What happens to the read-write layer when the container … Continue reading #DockerDays Day 4- Data Persistence

#DockerDays Day 3- Networking in Docker

In the previous part of the #DockerDays Series, we learned to run our first container. We also learned how to run a container and connect it from the host machine. As mentioned in the closing comments of the last part, so far we have worked on a single container environment. What happens when you have multiple containers running … Continue reading #DockerDays Day 3- Networking in Docker

Deploy Github Sub Directory To Azure

In this blog post, I would walk you through publishing a sub directory of your Github repository to the Azure. The first step would be to head over to your desired Resource Group in Azure Portal and Create a Web App Resource. For sake of demonstration, we would be publishing a web portal build using … Continue reading Deploy Github Sub Directory To Azure

Github Actions : Building your first workflow

Github Actions allows to create custom workflows to automate our development processes. In this series, we will walkthrough the creation of a workflow of a Web API which was build using .Net Core. Do note that Github supports the developers using Custom templates, but since we are attempting to learng more on the Actions, let … Continue reading Github Actions : Building your first workflow